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Admint Documentation

Thank you so much to see our template. We are trying to explain about Admint, this is a part of our premium dashboard template called AdmintPro. If you have any questions about Admint or AdmintPro, please feel free to mail us.


Admint is modern and clean Bootstrap 4 based dashboard template. It is built using HTML5, CSS3, jQuery and we are using CSS preprocessor SASS. It is super easy to customize and 100% responsive.

It can be used for most type of dashboard and app templates like Analytics, HR, CRM, Crypto, Accounting dashboard or you can create web or desktop apps like Messenger, Live Chat, Project Management, Email or Team Collaboration.

Also, you can create a social networking web app with a profile page, newsfeed and messenger.


Admint can be installed using multiple methods. Pick your favorite method from the list below.

npm i admint
Via Git
  • You can fork Admint Repository. GitHub fork Guidline
  • Clone your machine by using this Command
    git clone

Files Structure

  • Admint
    • assets
      • css
      • scss
      • fonts
      • img
      • js
    • ui-kits [All UI Kits are added here]
      • according.html
    • index.html


We have own CSS class naming convention that begins with prefix 'yoo-'. Some examples of Admint class names would be: yoo-main-header, yoo-sidebarheader, yoo-footer. For this naming convention, you can integrate unlimited 3rd party plugins and resources without worrying about class naming conflicts. However for Bootstrap and other 3rd party plugins class extending we used their own CSS naming format.

We use SASS as a CSS processor. Sass is the most mature, stable, and powerful professional grade CSS extension language in the world.

If don't know SASS coding, don't worry you can directly edit CSS file.

CSS Helper Classes

We are creating some global class for easy work.

Class Description
Margin helper classes where [size] can accept 0 to 15. Example: yoo-margin-0, yoo-margin-top-15
Margin helper classes where [size] can accept 0 to 15. Example: yoo-padding-0, yoo-padding-top-15
yoo-height-b[size] - This is for Larg Screen
yoo-height-lg-b[size] - This is for Mobile Screen
Space helper classes where [size] can accept 0, 5, 10, 15, 20. Example: yoo-height-b10, yoo-height-lg-b20
yoo-font-style-i Italic Font helper classes.
Text transform helper classes.
yoo-font-[weight] Weight helper classes where [weight] can accept light, regular, medium, semi-bold, bold, black. Example: yoo-font-bold
yoo-radious[size] Radious helper classes where [size] can accept 1 to 10. Example: yoo-radious1, yoo-radious10


We are using jQeury for JS. All custom jQuery and plugin initialize code are written in main.js (there is a separate file for chart.js initialize) file. And all are function-based. Like if you did not want any JS block you just remove that function.

For SVG Maps, we are creating an svg-map folder. Please take your desired file. We also create an SVG map preview page.

Function Description
mainMenu() Initialize Main Menu.
mobileMenu() Initialize Mobile Menu.
sideBarHeader() Initialize Sidebar Menu.
stickyHeader() Initialize Sticky Header.
onePageNav() Initialize One Page Navigation.
tabInt() Initialize Our Custom Tab.
accordianInt() Initialize Our Custom Accordion.
progressBar() Initialize Progress Bar.
calendarInt() Initialize Calender Plugin.
customSelectInt() Initialize Custom Selector.
modalVideoInt() Initialize Video Modal.
nicescrollInt() Initialize Nice Scroll.
customToggleInt() Initialize Custom Toggle Button.
bootstrapInt() Bootstrap Element Initialize


We are using some JS and CSS plugins for creating Admint.

Customer Support

After buying if you are facing any issues or you can not understand any part you can request for support.

Our dedicated support team will assist you within Two Business Day.

Note: All images you see in the demos use only for demo purposes and is not allowed to be included in the download file.